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How to Fight Fulton Fraud

Fulton County is seen across America as one of the election fraud capitals of America. This can change. Imagine Fulton County becoming known around the world as the county that cleaned up fraud.
This will not be accomplished by Brad Raffsenperger whose job it is to ensure free and fair elections in Georgia. It will not be accomplished with the help of the Atlanta Journal/Constitution or local news media. It will only be accomplished by the people of Fulton County rising up to demand honest, fair and efficient elections. If you’re a resident of Fulton County this means you.
This is not about Donald Trump, though the 2020 election is what needs to be studied and changes made. Fixing Fulton elections might be about how Robert Kennedy Jr. gets treated in a Georgia primary. It might be about those who support a county commissioner or a school board member.

In 2020 Fulton County led the national news on election night. At 11 PM CBS News came on with an announcement that Georgia’s choice for president would be delayed because Fulton County the Fulton County Elections Board sent home election staff were exhausted and would have to go home for the night. Supposedly they were slowed in their count by a water main break in the State Farm Arena. According to a Secretary of State investigation this turned out to be a leaking urnal.
The vote counting did not stop. While the media and observers were sent home select staff at the State Farm Arena continued running ballots through machines. One o'clock the next morning Joe Biden got a massive spike in votes, but was still far from being ahead of Donald Trump.
The counting went on for days until Thursday afternoon Joe Biden inched ahead of Donald Trump in the state of Georgia.

Before the election Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger expressed confidence to CBS News that with the new Dominion voting machines, early voting and absentee ballots processed prior to election day, Georgia would have full election returns in before midnight.
It was embarrassing. By 9 PM Florida had counted 97% of its votes and a portion of the state is in the central time zone. By 9 PM Georgia had counted only 53% percent of its votes and Fulton County had reported only 15% .
By 11 PM Florida was declared for Donald Trump with a 385,401 a vote margin. At 11 PM Trump was up by 374,381 in Georgia.
In a post election report to the Secretary of State’s officeCarter Page wrote “The truth about what happened on the night of November 3rd between 10:30PM and 11:52PM continues to be elusive. GOP party poll watchers say that Fulton staff told them and the media to go home (implying that they did so in order to count without supervision). Fulton staff tell me that the poll watchers and the media just left when Moss sent home everyone but the scanner team. A Secretary of State investigator is involved, so the truth will come out, but if the party poll watchers are correct, then there is a serious problem.”
There is a serious problem. CBS News opened an 11 PM segment, pictured above, with Mark Strassmann saying, “The Fulton County Board of Eelections has sent home all of its tabulators for the night. They said that all those employees have been working hard and very laboriously going through all the ballots since six o'clock this morning. They’ve sent them home. It’s not going to happen. In Fact, they have only tabulated 49% of the vote here in Fulton County and again Fulton County is the most consequential county of all.” He added “Earlier Georgia Secretary of State predicted they would get it done by midnight. Fulton County officials said that was not going to happen. That would not happen until tomorrow. It turns out the local officials were right and the secretary of sate was wrong.”
Apparently the secretary of state either failed to see CBS News, or he did not consider sending away poll watchers and newsmen a serious problem.
Tabulating actually did continue and with the following statewide results for each hour.
Biden Trump
12 AM 233,783 110,621
1 AM 232,691 98,248

While these numbers are not proof of fraud, they should certainly arouse suspicion in anyone with common sense.
Furthermore, the results show that 315,130 Fulton voters voted early on Dominion machines. Another 54,360 voted on the machines election day. If the machines are worth 25¢ they should have been able to provide accurate results for 71.8% of Fulton voters by 8 PM. Another 85,181 absentee ballots were supposedly process before 7 PM election day. The total comes to 461,836. At 8 PM Fulton reported on only 72,859.
If, at 11 PM you don’t even know how many total ballots you have you need better leadership or a competent staff. What is clear is that absentee ballots, the ones counted late, favored Joe Biden by a much by the highest margin.
Many residents of Fulton County are upset by the reputation the county is gaining for election incompetence — or worse.
The Republican Party submitted the name of Jason Fraisure for the Fulton County Elections Board. Jason had done extensive work on his own time to spot problems in the Fulton County voter rolls. He submitted many names for examination. Most proved to be names that needed removal. The Fulton County Commission voted against Jason’s nomination to the board. Do they fear integrity?
Now, Donald Trump and 18 others have been indicted for felony racketeering for efforts to overturn the 2020 election. This story does not go through specific allegations of fraud — of which there are many. It only covers what should be considered unacceptable incompetence. The confidence of voters in Fulton County must be low and the confidence of Georgians in Fulton County is abysmal. The global reputation of Fulton County is that of a banana republic.
Like him, or not, Donald Trump is a leading candidate for president in 2024. America looks very foolish when a sitting president can bribe a Ukrainian leader on video with no consequences while his leading opponent is charged with crimes for believing there was election fraud in 2020 and wanting the fraud investigated and prosecuted. Yes, with the possibility of overturning an election.

If you want Fulton County to be respected for election integrity you need to step up and help. Otherwise Fulton will only be loved by those who want power by any means necessary.
The 2024 campaign is well under way. Do you want clean voter rolls? Do want accurate and early election returns? Do you want every legal registered voter’s vote counted properly? Is election integrity important to you or do you?
Have you heard Brad Raffensperger taking action to improve voter confidence. Please check out the Common Sense for Georgia website, sign up for our newsletter. Become a Common Sense Action Member and receive opportunities to spend a few seconds contacting your elected officials with ease. Get alerts and take action when you see a cause one you feel led to join in on.
Share this paper with others and tell them about the website. Right now the world seems to be spinning almost out of control. Common Sense is really wisdom and true wisdom comes from God. We want a community more like heaven on earth and less like hell.

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